Monday, January 15, 2007

Ethanol... Brazil does it, why can't we?

Okay, so I was talking to El Presidente Duke and Joe "bubble" Meyer... and they reminded me that I needed to declare what my topic would be. Fine.

I will examine whether the United States should promote research and eventual switch to ethanol-based fuel for automobiles as an alternate to gasoline.

Too adventurous? Too boring? Too broad? Please let me know.


Anonymous said...

Mely, you're genius.

Christopher_Duke said...

"America is addicted to oil..."
-President Bush

Even he admits it. Id like to see your paper when you're done. I must just have to steal it for the campaign :P

toddo said...

you have a fan club...

Christopher_Duke said...

Oh and I just caught that...

El Presidente Duke... lol


Joey said...

Yea, the ethanol thing is kinda overplayed. And for God's sake, we weren't talking about building more coal-fire plants to curb any electricity shortage. Coal-fire plants and the like are the number one causes of global climate change. We talked about whether or not the federal government should consider banning or regulating the construction of coal-fire plants and focus more on clean, alternative energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, tidal, etc) for electricity. The topic's all yours if you want it.
P.S. Thanks for noticing the spelling; "hippie" is spelled with an "ie" by the way...

Christopher_Duke said...

Fast tracking old coal-burning power plants... DUMB! Not a big fan of Rick Perry. GRRR!