Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Coffee Kills

BBC NEWS | Americas | Hondurans die in coffee collapse

But don't expect me to stop drinking it any time soon.

So, as far as my topic goes, Todd seems to be of the opinion that I should focus on the minimum wage, so true to formula:

should we raise the minimum wage to
reduce the problem of ... ?

ut oh, I need to research this...


Christopher_Duke said...

OMG! It might come to a shock to most people who have now have labeled me as a conservative... funny story!

I support an increase in the minimum wage. Inflation is a concern as is maintaining small businesses that would cut production costs to offset labor costs, but I think we can manage it. I wouldn't support such a large increase as proposed 2.10 increase from 5.15/hour to 7.25/hour.

Slowly up the wage, see how the economy responds, and go from there. We don't want to accerlate the declining growth too fast. Soft landings are what we are aiming for.

FYI- yea for Macroeconomics. I thank Mr. Mayer!

Thanks for listening to my rant, Mely and others who might be reading as well.


Joey said...

random opinion: the current generation isn't able to handle running the world.

Christopher_Duke said...

Totally true Mely as far as roger rabbit... I agree with you... our generation isn't able to handle running the world. I love the pic- it does justice to the statement so so so so much!

Mely Erudite said...

I think what Joey was saying was that even the *current* generation (aka baby boomers) can't handle running the world.


Joey said...
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Joey said...

That's exactly what I was saying. I'm not quite sure how that simple statement could have been misconstrued... I think Chris agrees...possibly...maybe?

Christopher_Duke said...

Ummm... I don't think we can typecast the whole generation of baby boomers and say hey... yea they have failed.

I can think of exceptional examples of leaderhship and terrible fumbles of leaders.

Which is to say as far as my generation, what I have seen, our generation has fallen into a general malaise. Our generation is materalistic, have no idea of responsibility, defiant as hell as far as society's laws. We are in university- I thought the people I grew up aroun minus a notable few have continued this behavior.

I think our generation has not grown up yet and fear due to no clear time in which I have seen, will not. Hence I do not trust my generation at this point.